Saving Money On Car Insurance

Car Insurance

Today, everyone is trying find ways to save some money. When shopping for auto insurance there are a couple of things that shoppers frequently overlook that could save them some money on their premiums.

Finding the cheapest auto insurance rates is not always equal to finding the best auto insurance policies.  Cheaper is not always better. Too often consumers focus on the monthly cost of insurance when comparing offers from different carriers and fail to inspect what they are getting for that cost. Cheaper policies often include a high deductible.

While none of us buy insurance with the expectation of being in a car accident, you need to face the reality that it is a very real possibility. If you live in a city or drive in a city a lot, this is an even bigger reality. Driving in metro areas like Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, or New York City, increase the likelihood that you will at least find yourself in a fender bender at some point.

Paying a few dollars more a month with Company A to have a $500 less deductible might be a better option that paying a little less a month with Company B, but seeing that savings flushed down the drain as soon as you need to file a claim.

If you have different cars for the summer and winter seasons, you can save a considerable amount on your insurance by specifying the storage periods of your vehicles with your insurance company. If you have a convertible that only gets pulled out in the summer time, let your carrier know. They can set you up with storage coverage rather than a normal policy and drastically cut your premiums.

Those who are over the age of 50 and belong to AARP can find themselves eligible for significant discounts on their car insurance. If you are not a member of AARP, you should be. There are numerous discounts available. One such discount is an insurance program administered by The Hartford.

When looking at car insurance for young drivers be sure to inquire about discounts that may be offered for completing driver safety classes. Young drivers are going to pay a higher price for car insurance no matter what, but completing a driving safety class can lower that inflated premium.

Do not forget that different cars get different rates. When shopping for a car, besides comparing things like gas mileage and other features, also compare the cost to insure the vehicle. Safety features like anti-lock brakes, automatic seat-belts, and airbags can reduce the cost of your insurance coverage.
