Best Auto Insurance Companies

Insurance Companies

Taking the time to find the best auto insurance company can be time well spent. It can save you both money as well as some much unneeded aggravation in the event that you need to file an insurance claim. Here are a couple of tips you will want to take into account when choosing your car insurance.

Research consumer opinions. There are many consumer magazines that frequently will conduct surveys of their readers in regards to auto insurance providers. The surveys will take into account things like difficulties encountered when filing a claim as well as overall satisfaction with the company.

Read online forums. There are numerous online message forums you can visit to find a lot of information from actual customers about their experiences in dealing with their auto insurance carrier. While this is a good idea for finding out the general feel about different companies, keep in mind that someone who is unhappy or had a bad experience is more likely to post comments than those who are completely happy and have experienced no problems.

Talk with our local auto repair shops. You will be hard pressed to find better information than from the auto repair shops that have to deal with the insurance companies on a regular basis. Ask them which insurance carriers are the easiest to deal with, which ones are the least troublesome when it comes to paying for repairs and quickly settling claims.

Poor credit can affect your rates. If you have a low credit score, choose an auto insurance company that does not perform a credit inquiry when evaluating a customer. Most do, but you can find insurance carriers that do not. If you have good credit, do not worry about it.

Review state government data. States have insurance regulation departments that handle complaints against insurers. Check your state’s website. Some states publish this data about complaint rates against insurance companies right on the website.

Compare rates. The internet has made it so simple for consumers to shop around for the best insurance premiums. There is no excuse not to do it. There are a host of websites that will take your information and spit out rates from 5 or more carriers. You can also go directly to the carriers’ websites to get quotes from them. The more information you provide to them, the more accurate your quote is going to be.

Your premium cost is important, but remember when looking at your car insurance quotes that the cheapest auto insurance rates do not always equal the best policy. It can be worth paying a few dollars more for the piece of mind knowing that your insurance company is going to be quick to take care of your claim in the event that you need to file one.
